Thomas posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago
Im not sure if anyone will read this. Im new to this group. I been meaning to write down my journey towards gnosis. So if anything I thank you for encouraging me to do this now. I was born and raised Roman Catholic. I broke away in 2007. Of course I was told I would go to hell and I needed to remain Catholic. I just knew Roman Catholicism was not genuine and holy. I began to see it as a system of thought, and belief to controll the masses. I started looking into hystory, and learned about Roman Catholics evil past. I looked in old testiment, and began to see that the Jews were listening to, and following an evil god. So of course I was confused and started looking into the Occult. I traveled many paths looking for truth. As I was doing this I knew I was protected, because my persute was genuine. I had this reassurance come over me that I need not fear hell, because god was just and good. That I can trust gods judgment, knowing its whats best. Gods intention is not to harm. I came to the relization that if I am to follow god, I must be open to knowing and following his enemy as well. Or else my choice is blind, and one sided, and there for can not be genuine. I started looking into Mesopotamian, Buddhism, Taoism, Lucifarianism, Hermeticism, Alchemy, Esoteric, Egyptian, Celtic, Pentecostal, New Age, Shamanism, and recently Muslim. I was always protected because my persute was to know truth. It was not for selfish reasons or personal gain. My intent was neaver to harm or manipulate. It was a path of openess, trust, and submission. It was a genuine persute to connect with, and know somthing greater then myself. What I have learned is all religons are flawed and perverted by the human experience. On my journey i have had encounters and things happen I cant explain. I was shown beyond a doubt that there is a god. So how did this happen? Well first of all I had to go through a process of freeing my self from the human prison. So I view the human prison as the five senses. This is what we are born into. This shouldnt be viewed as evil or somthing to escape from, because it is an experience to reveal what is real and illusion within ourselvs and all around us. This human experience is to help us let go of desire and embrace what is real. So whats real? Peace, love, joy, contentment, and so on is real. When we desire more then this, then we have disappointment, longings, emptiness and so on. So how do I break free of the five senses? I fist have to let go of my preconcived expectations, and demands. To not rely on five senses to form my understanding, and reality. To be open to recive the devine in truth, for what it is. So in this prison there are five doors, five realities, and five possible actions to form our understanding and reality. By letting go, and being an open blank slate, ready to recive with out judgment, or human understanding. We find there is a sixth door, and sixth reality. How we act is up to us, but the experience goes beyond the five senses. When i did this, my encounter with the devine was fist the human condition. Its stuggle, pain and uncertinty. It was restless desiring to be freed. Instead of shoving it away, and not looking at it. I was reassured that I should embrace it. Im required to have this experience to learn and grow. To see my situation is hopless, and in need of the devine. This process of learning and growing is teaching me how to love. It was then this unconditional love came over me at that moment. Nothing else mattered, I was at peace. Everthing from my human experience was being healed by this love. I was shown that nothing in my life was a mistake. I was given permission to explore, learn, and grow as I choose. Free will is an amazing gift. I know that the god of the old testiment was evil, because the god I encountered was not controlling, or angry, or jealous. The god I met uses all thing for good, to draw us closer to the devine. I am also convinced on the Gnostics view of Christ, and that we all have the devine spark in us.