In Gnostic Serpent Community, members are the primary stakeholders. With our spiral membership scheme, members could evolve their role in the community according to their level of engagement

Our decentralized scheme enables members to evolve their roles and responsibilities in the community


keep things in Flow

Our point system is a currency (Phi – φ) to be used in our decentralized scheme. Through active engagement in our community, members earn points that could later be used to expand one’s experience in the community.

Keep the flow!

The Chaos reflects the level of engagement and helps with the flow of energy in the community


our point system (Phi-φ) is the base currency to be used in the community.


Granted to members who take part in crew activities, and Integrating with the community’s inner circle.


Our community has a spiral structure. Members’ roles and responsibilities could evolve!

your community

Gnostic Serpent 2023 ©